Maintenance Contract
1. Solar installation
Preparation time
Travel hours
Working hours
Detergents, cleaning tool,
Overnight stay costs
Clearing at site
Travel back hours
Clearing at company
This is ready paid by the flat-rate payment throughout the year .
The yearly flat-rate payment apportioned into monthly amounts and depend of the installation
Solar power tower 110,48 EUR / 1 kWp / year = 9,21 EUR / 1 kWp / month
Solar rotatory installation 40,35 EUR / 1 kWp / year = 3,36 EUR / 1 kWp / month
Roof solar installation 39,85 EUR / 1 kWp / year = 3,32 EUR / 1 kWp / month
2. Maintenance periods
The maintenance periods depend on the installation type and also on the measurements of power
through telephone lines.
3. Building position of the solar installation